free video Training

From Overwhelmed to Organized: Time Management Secrets for High-Achieving Women

Learn how to create more time in your day. That way, you can feel less overwhelmed and more empowered to tackle each task.

This is YOUR life. Plan it well. Live it well.

As a high-achieving woman...

You live by your to-do list. In fact, you probably feel trapped by your to-do list.

You want to prioritize your self-care, and you have dreams of starting a side hustle or a new hobby, but you can't seem to motivate yourself or get a handle on your perfectionist tendencies...

Between email and social media notifications, you're facing constant distractions.

You struggle to delegate tasks, so you end up taking on more than you can comfortably accomplish.

You know you could use your time more effectively, but you don't know how to break the cycle and take control over your schedule.

If this sounds like you, let me help!

I created this FREE video training to help you use your time more effectively.

Hi, I'm Dr. Shanice Jones Cameron! I'm a time management coach, married (twin) mom of 3, and a Communication professor.

I created the Beyond Productivity™ Method to help high-achieving women master time management, so they can prioritize their self-care and personal development. I also host a weekly podcast about holistic self-care.

Shanice Jones Cameron, PhD

Beyond Productivity™ Method

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